Chimneys, toilets and turbines: do electrical power systems always have to be the cause of the Hum or can they just show us symptoms?  By Dr Chris Barnes Bangor Scientific and Educational Consultants email

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A brief review of the Hum and its potential causes is presented. Although the Hum in some cases could have exotic means of production and transduction, undoubtedly in other cases it could be a purely acoustic or acoustic and infrasound phenomenon in which case chimneys and toilet stink pipes are two hitherto very plausible yet  previously unexplored  routes for Hum entry and even generation.  This study allows for both co-existing organ pipe and Helmholtz type resonances in Chimneys and just the former in toilet stink pipes yields amazingly accurate simulation for Hum frequency results in comparison with experimental observation. It is suggested that infrasound arrivals from sources such as wind turbines could excite such resonator systems and thus in some cases make unusual power systems behaviour just symptomatic of the Hum rather than in all cases the absolute cause. However, contributions of electrical ground currents as exciting features for some Hums cannot entirely be ruled out simply as a result of these new findings.  A place within a few kilometres of the author’s residence has coincidentally been found wherein the Hum can be perceived outdoors and in the daytime. It is hoped to report on this and whether there is a link to these present findings in the near future.  The finding that architectural resonators may feature in at least some cases of the Hum holds out hope for those afflicted.                    



The Hum is a generic term for a whole group of relatively unexplained and geo-sporadic, often nocturnal, acoustic or acoustic –like disturbances effecting about 11% of middle aged individuals and an estimated 2% of all individuals in general (1,2). In all but very special circumstances, houses seem a pre-requisite to amplify the Hum (1, 2).  Noise is naturally subjective and doing science on subjective phenomena where one is relying mainly on anecdotal reports can be difficult or even frustrating. Nevertheless as Hum reports grow more and more, there are common threads which seem to emerge.   Nearly always the Hum is described as sounding like a distant slowly and irregularly idling diesel truck (1, 2) or sometimes like Morse code with shifting amplitudes and pitches (3).  Sometimes in locations which have the Hum, residents complain of other symptoms such a feeling vibrations, tingling fingers, a pressure in the head etc. These symptoms may be features of exposure to infrasound and vibrations, so called vibro-acoustic disease (VAD) (4) or have also been attributed to exposure to certain electromagnetic fields (5).       



Perhaps because originally the Hum was only heard in the UK and USA early commentators automatically thought it had to be linked with some sort of military defence technologies (1,6) although others blamed infrastructure such as motorways and gas mains (6-8) .   Nowadays cases of the Hum are popping up almost all around the world, for example in New Zealand (9) and Canada (10), where in Windsor, Ontario, a seismographic study has identified the nearby USA’s Zug Island as the likely source.     There is still, however, hardly any Hum in the bulk of the former Soviet Union. When a geo-spatial study of the Hum is made it seems to be limited exclusively to parts of the World which have renewable energy systems, in particular Pumped Hydro-storage and wind power (11).  Very interestingly indeed China has recently began using Grid Connected Wind Power and Smart Energy Systems and this appears to have elicited the first ever visits to John Dawes’ Hum website from that Country, as can be seen from the map  (12)


The Hum is further complicated because it can rarely, if ever, be audio recorded (1). This led some to think of the Hum as almost super-natural phenomenon. Clearly without an explanation that everyone will accept the Hum still for some lies in these realms.  For the present author it has become apparent that the Hum possesses some facets of a preternatural phenomenon and some facets of an anthropogenic phenomenon (13).  This of course would be true of any signal or signals with a complex or unknown propagation pathway. In the absence of very much published work on the Hum most of the debate on the Hum has been on internet forums.   Further the present author has tried to account for all and every reported anecdotal property   of the Hum, for example gleaned from such forums, which has led to the development of the magneto-acoustic hypothesis of the Hum (14) which accounts for deaf people relenting Hum like properties and accounts for hearing the Hum in certain types of underground caves and caverns but not others.  Dawes, a lifelong amateur Hum investigator since the first reported days of the Bristol Hum, maintains that the Hum is connected with electricity distribution systems and has a gravito –electric theory to explain the Hum (15). The present author has reconciled his own theories with those of Dawes (16).      


However, whereas magnetic and gravitational signals may be present at some Hum locations and may be important for both Hum transduction and Hum perception the present author feels that if we better understand the acoustical properties of buildings we may not only see a tantalising alternative to ground current Hum transduction but one which will potentially further fuel the anti-wind turbine lobby.   The present author has previously considered the Hum and room resonance (17)  but chimneys and toilet stink pipes (waste fall pipes) which could be equally important vehicles  for the  Hum were not then considered so have been dealt with in this present paper.    Acoustic Hums which the author has come across in the past seem to be characterised by almost the sound of silence (18 -20) i.e. a flat and very quiet acoustic spectrum above about 200 Hz.  Moreover there is a mechanism whereby they can arrive at premises by both an airborne wave and a surface Rayleigh wave and wherein crucial interactions between the two might maximise a Hum in one premises but not another (21,22). This effect was probably at work with the famous Kokomo Hum (23). It would seem logical to suppose that chimneys and toilet stink pipes could bring certain Hum components more effectively into buildings than if these architectural features were not present.         



Many buildings and houses still have chimneys often disused or boxed off. Even if the external stack has been removed, the chimney is still a potential organ pipe resonator and the combination of chimney and room are still potential Helmholtz resonators (24).  We have all heard chimney ‘moan’ during strong winds of appropriate direction but few of us will have heard chimney/room Helmholtz resonance because it often occurs at low infrasonic frequencies.

Put simply, the hypothesis is that when one blows over a bottle top one excites a resonant sound (24). One does not have to blow at the resonant frequency to excite the sound. The sound production can be controlled by the rate (on/off) of blowing. In an architectural acoustics context a house having a chimney has an element which in conjunction with a room or rooms can act as a Helmholtz resonator but equally can act as a pipe resonator in its own right.  Due to the reciprocity of sound one can be exposed to amplified sound by sitting inside a Helmholtz resonator, if the appropriate frequency is supplied from outside.  The blade crossing frequencies of wind turbines are in the range 1.6-7 Hz (25).  Infrasound of these frequencies can travel many tens of kilometres relatively un-attenuated in the atmosphere especially at night, as is borne out perhaps somewhat surprisingly by research on elephant communication (26).  So now  if infrasound in our case becomes not elephant generated but instead comes from  a periodic anthropogenic source then  instead of the chimney moaning strongly with random excitation, it will be periodically excited more gently but more consistently at its organ pipe resonant frequencies which are usually between 30-80 Hz depending on length, the result being an on-off Hum.  Van de Berg (27) also talks about how wind turbine infrasound could excite higher frequency vibrational resonance in windows, a not that dissimilar related notion to the one being expressed in this present work.  Clearly if other vibration components are present which can further excite chimney and or room resonance then the result could be even more distressing.   Possibly the worst combination would be a house with a chimney organ pipe resonance in the region of 50 or 100 Hz and a chimney to room Helmholtz resonance around about 1.6 Hz.  Add to this underground piezo or magneto-acoustic noise generation if  substantial mains ground currents  are flowing also containing the wind turbine flicker signal and strong types of harmonic or sub-harmonic component for an potentially more complete picture of the Hum (28).  It is proposed here that either   mechanism can now become equally valid routes for the excitation of the Hum.  What is evident is that Hums tend to be worse in areas with certain underlying rock types (29) which support the ground current hypothesis but Hums are also very aggressive in houses with appropriate configuration of chimneys and toilet stink pipes.       Thus even without the presence of substantial electrical ground current Hums are still possible.


Approximated to an open ended tube or straight pipe resonator, and by using an appropriate on-line calculator (30), a   chimney of 10m length has a fundamental frequency of 17 Hz, and overtones at 34 and 51 Hz.  These are frequencies extremely close to the mains frequency and sub-harmonics and to acoustic frequencies known to cause Hum like effects in the laboratory (31).    

It would appear thus that Chimneys may be a major contributing factor for the propagation of Hum like signals into some houses.         


Toilet stink/fall pipes

The present author has often noticed that the Bangor Hum can be quite pronounced in the bathrooms of the house. A common denominator   here is the presence toilet stink/fall pipes.  The overall vertical length of such a pipe is of the order 7-8 metres and so again it can act rather like a wind excited organ pipe.  On one occasion the present author was downstairs in the house late at night and perceiving the Hum.  When the toilet was flushed upstairs the Hum disappeared. At first the author thought there may have been an association with water pressure but this proved not to be so. The hypothesis is that when the down pipe filled with water it was no longer able to resonate to the Hum signal. Gradually as it emptied, the Hum signal returned.

It is very instructive to treat the down pipe as an open ended resonator. A pipe of 6.9 m will produce a second resonance of more or less exactly 50Hz. Sewers pass through streets often sharing the same utility tunnel wherein they may pick up and carry noise and vibration from cables and electrical installations.  


Other Helmholtz and room resonances 

The individual rooms of a house all have their specific resonances as do walls, floors, ceilings and windows. Not previously considered in debate about the Hum is that the room volumes effectively form a tree  of coupled resonators and for instance the air mass in the upstairs and/or hallways can be considered as being involved  Helmholtz type resonance with air in downstairs rooms with doors as ports.    


Testing the hypothesis 

The author has obtained a considerable body of past experimental results in relation to the Hum at his premises in Bangor.  Infrasound has been recorded, sometimes with broad band or comb characteristics, sometimes in the region of 3.3Hz and 5.5 Hz, sometimes at 8.33 Hz (thought to a vertical component which may be either of seismic origin from the pumped storage scheme at Dinorwig and/or the sixth sub-harmonic of the 50 Hz a.c. mains frequency), together with acoustic sound at frequencies in the regions of 27, 34 and 50 and 100 Hz.  Furthermore the frequencies of 50 and 100 Hz have been seen to pulsate in amplitude almost on and off at rates of between 1.3 and 1.7 Hz.  Occasionally the 50 Hz acoustic frequency has been seen to migrate as high as 56 Hz or as low as 44 Hz but has always contained the pulsating element when the Hum was present.    It was not possible to measure Infrasound as low as 1Hz   directly with the available microphones which were only electrets and modified loudspeaker cones, but the very fact that the higher frequencies appeared pulse modulated was a good pointer to its existence.  



On-line calculators are available for organ pipe type resonance (30) and for Helmholtz resonators (32). In reality, chimneys are not ideal.  Due to their shape and termination of their flues with pots and fireplaces, they are neither perfectly open nor perfectly closed pipes and in houses with multiple flues there will be curves and bends to complicate issues. Some houses will have closed off fireplaces and intact flues.   For the author’s house, and treating the chimneys as open ended pipes, the following results have been obtained;


1.      Frequency: 4.462 Hz  Helmholtz  volume = downstairs rooms with doors and stairwell as a port

2.      Frequency: 1.377 Hz   Helmholtz   for chimney as neck and largest room as rest of resonator

3.      Frequency: 1.920 Hz Helmholtz for smallest room with a chimney in it.

4.      10m Chimney stack organ pipe

Length L=m

Length L=m

Length L=m

















5.      Organ pipe Resonance of Toilet Stink pipe

Length L=m

Length L=m

















6. Table not shown but a 10 m chimney stack as a single quarter wave resonator (closed end) will resonate at 8.5 Hz. 

The calculated frequencies are remarkably close to those obtained by measurement.  Differences are put down to curves in the chimney and fall pipe and temperature variations. It would seem for both chimney and the stink pipe the higher frequency resonances   can be driven either directly or by acoustic -acoustic parametric conversion.   In the case of the latter wind turbine infrasound may be sufficient to excite the Helmholtz resonances observed in that respect bad behaviour of power systems may be symptomatic as far as hum is concerned other than cause except in the region of HV conductors where some kind of acoustic-magnetic  parametric  conversion has also been noted.     



It would seem that possibly chimneys and toilet stink pipes could conduct the Hum components into houses and accentuate them through various kinds of resonant behaviour.   Chimneys in particular could explain why wind turbine noise is more pervasive than expected and they effectively act as parametric converters  because attached to them is both organ pipe resonance and Helmholtz resonance thereby producing extremely annoying pulsating acoustic sound  in houses under appropriate infrasound propagation conditions. Traditional equipment used by environmental health departments does not record this pulsation but very fast FFT waterfall acoustic analysis systems like ‘Spectrum Lab’ are capable of representing this.  Sewers connected to toilet stink and down fall pipes via local man holes pass through streets often sharing the same utility tunnel wherein they may pick up and carry noise and vibration from cables and electrical installations.  


Clearly the above has highlighted yet more transduction mechanisms for the annoying feature of modern living known as the Hum into houses. It has been muted recently on some of the Hum forums that a strong effect of atmospheric pressure is noted on the Hum. Clearly atmospheric pressure will alter the behaviour or signals propagating in sewers and with attendant temperature variations will alter pipe and chimney resonances.


In houses with disused chimneys there exists the possibility of inserting acoustic muffler materials at strategic heights to kill the Hum.  Sewer stink pipes are more of a problem but it may be possible to create an automated device which would just periodically vent the system thus cutting continuous resonance.      In houses where chimney resonance is the dominant cause of the Hum it may be that non-linear effects on power systems are merely pointers to wind turbine operation and attendant infrasound rather than the direct cause.  The possibility of other transduction mechanisms either directly into the human body or via the ground and solid fabric of houses cannot, however, entirely be ruled out.       


It is believed this paper may offer some hope for some cases of the Hum and to some Hum sufferers.  


Further Work

Very recently indeed, the author the author has found a location in a forest clearing on a mountainside a few kilometres from home wherein the Hum is audible in the open air on a still day.  The location is on a forest track (unmade road) which it is believed may have some crossing land drains underneath.  It is postulated that some sort of resonance process (es) like or similar to the ones above may be taking place.  The location is not so far form the Dinorwig power station and overlooks power pylons a few kilometres distant. No measurement of acoustic, magnetic or electromagnetic fields has so far been attempted at the location but it is hoped to report on this very shortly, subject to suitable weather conditions in the area.      
























21. Air-ground interaction in long range propagation of low frequency sound and vibration - field tests and model verification

Madshus, C.; Lovholt, F.; Kaynia, A.; Hole, L. R.; Attenborough, K. and Taherzadeh, S. (2005). Air-ground interaction in long range propagation of low frequency sound and vibration - field tests and model verification. Applied Acoustics, 66(5), pp. 553–578.













