Global anthropogenic temperature
change correlates better with total
energy in world’s electricity grids than with total energy use. Alternative
title: EEP (Energetic Particle Precipitation)
the key to climate change By
Dr Chris Barnes, Bangor Scientific and Educational Consultants email First published online without references August 2017.
drivers are briefly discussed. CO2 has
been shown by some to be an insignificant
driver. Solar irradiance theories
are considered. Solar magnetic and EEP
aspects of climate are discussed in more detail. It has been shown by others and see above
that VLF transmissions from earth strongly influence the position of the Van Allen Belts and hence the degree and
influence of EEP on earth climate. The
present hypothesis is thus that power grids modulate EEP and would thus be expected to
contribute significantly to climate
change. Public domain data has been
used to explore the correlation between global temperature since 1940 and
global energy of the power grid. For comparison
a plot has also been made of global temperature versus total energy usage
expected to be proportional to CO2 emissions. For total energy in the grid ( plot on left) we have P Value Results r=.98 DF=6
The two-tailed P value is less than 0.0001. By conventional criteria, this difference is
considered to be extremely statistically significant.For total energy
consumed (plot on right) ( equivalent to CO2 emissions) we have P
Value Results r=.70 DF=6 The two-tailed P value equals 0.0532 By conventional criteria, this difference is
considered to be not quite statistically significant. It can be clearly seen
that the hypothesis is strongly supported.
The solar minimum of 2007–2010 was unusually deep and long lived. In the
later stages of this period the electron fluxes in the radiation belts dropped
to extremely low levels. The flux of relativistic electrons (>1 MeV)
was significantly diminished. This
period was at the centre of the recent and so called global warming hiatus and
also coincided with one of Britain’s coldest ever winters. The dynamics of the inner magnetosphere is
strongly governed by the interactions between different plasma populations that
are coupled through large-scale electric and magnetic fields, currents, and
wave-particle interactions. The
precipitating inner magnetospheric particles influence the ionosphere and upper
atmospheric chemistry and affect climate. Parasitic
EM radiation from the power supply lines, when entering the
ionosphere-magnetosphere system, might have an impact on the electron
population in the radiation belt. Its interaction with trapped particles will
change their energy and pitch angles; as a result particle precipitations might
occur. I conclude by
suggesting that the results presented in this present study, which will
doubtless be controversially received and criticised by some, goes a long way
to enlightening the world of climate science on those very impacts. In support of my findings (low R value for
total energy consumed which is tantamount to CO2 emitted), Avakyan (2013)
concludes the contribution of the greenhouse effect of carbon-containing gases
to global warming turns out to be insignificant. climate
warming would appear to be very highly
correlated with the total energy in the world’s power grids. The more interlinked the grids, I would
expect there them to radiate more efficiently into space and hence produce more
EEP and more warming. Interestingly and following the same
hypothesis, so called low carbon
solutions and sustainable energy such as solar or wind power will not
stop global warming while ever it is on
the proposed solutions are :
1. Remove
all grid interconnections to reduce energy radiated into space.
2. Put
as many properties as possible self –sufficient in energy but ‘off-grid’
3. Theoretically
a pure DC power system with DC interconnectors would not radiate into
space. However, since AC/DC converters
using solid state switching generate horrendous harmonic levels such radiation
seems inevitable.
4. Possible
undergrounding of HV power may help but electromagnetically screened enclosures would still be required
which would be horrendously expensive.
is absolutely no question that Earth’s climate is changing. The recent two decades have contained some of
the warmest years on record since modern records began.
usual argument advanced to explain the anthropogenic component of climate
warming is that of increasing CO2.
in a minority there are groups of scientists who dispute the CO2 connection.
For example, Avakyan (2013) concludes the contribution of the greenhouse
effect of carbon-containing gases to global warming turns out to be
argument advanced by so called ‘climate deniers’ is that in pre-industrialised eras CO2 increases lagged behind warming and that
more than likely such increases were due to outgassing of the oceans. The present author is not a climate denier
but does aggressively question whether CO2 is the demonic driver it is has been
framed to be. This paper aims to show
that there are other far more relevant drivers.
example, the present author has been previously concerned with the effects of
aviation and has recently shown that global temperature changes since 1970 both
warming and subsequent cooling or hiatus appeared to be related to increases in aviation with warming until that is the era of persistent contrails
and contrail cirrus began followed by subsequent cooling. Certain types of contrail and ensuing cirrus
can cause cooling as well as warming depending on the shape and size of ice
crystals contained, see
the absence of any anthropogenic influence on climate, which must be a purely
theoretical conjecture one turns to solar irradiance as a climate driver. Past
climate change may have been caused by the lowering of solar irradiation
through two amplifying factors, namely (1) increased cosmic ray intensity,
stimulating cloud formation and precipitation, and (2) reduced solar UV
intensity, causing a decline of stratospheric ozone production and cooling
because of less absorption of sunlight.
Accepting the idea of solar forcing of Holocene and Glacial climatic
shifts has major implications for our view of present and future climate. It
implies that the climate system is far more sensitive to small variations in
solar activity than generally believed, see Geel et al. Foukal et al 2006, on the other hand conclude
that solar luminosity changes are inadequate to account for recent climate
change. They cannot, however, rule out climate
change as a result of the sun’s changed outputs in ultraviolet light and/or
magnetised plasmas. Zepp et al (2011)
discuss the effect of solar u/v on biogeochemical cycles as an accelerant to
complex atmospheric chemistry and biogeochemistry solar amplification models
are required to link solar irradiance
and climate perhaps one should look to solar magnetism for a more
straightforward explanation. The present
author has recently show that earth’s climate is essentially magnetically controlled via solar Ap, see
example, rainfall peaks at geomagnetic solar minimum. The hypothesis is stunningly simple. At this
minimum GRB bursts are less deflected by the solar wind and hence there is more
cloudiness and more chance of rainfall.
Planetary Ap values have been consistently falling for several decades
and it is likely this coupled with QBO
phase which is caused, for example,
increased storminess and rainfall in the southern UK during the winter
of 2013/14.
fall in Ap value is also consistent with the appearance of more and more
persistent aircraft contrails in our skies and to some extent justifies my
earlier conclusions with respect to contrails and their anthropogenic
contributory factors in what is in
essence predominantly solar driven climate change. I sincerely fear that if Ap continues to fall
it is expected we shall soon see the transition to a major and lengthy
Maunder-like period of climate cooling.
et al (2007) states that no forcing factor, be it changes in CO2 concentration
in the atmosphere or changes in cosmic ray flux modulated by solar activity and
geomagnetism, or possibly other factors, can at present be neglected or shown
to be the overwhelming single driver of climate change in past centuries.
Intensive data acquisition is required to further probe indications that the
Earth's and Sun's magnetic fields may have significant bearing on climate
change at certain time scales.
et al (2009) noted polar surface air temperatures which were
significantly different at times of high and low Ap
. In years where there was
no sudden stratospheric warmings the polar surface temperatures were up to 4C
less when there was low Ap whereas years with SSWs produce
weaker correlations between geomagnetic activity and ΔSAT. This confirms the present author’s notion
that low Ap Rather than
increased CO2 is fuelling climate extremes.
the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change [IPCC, 2007] “More research to
investigate the effects of solar behavior on climate is needed before the
magnitude of solar effects on climate can be stated with certainty.” While the
IPCC focuses on the effects of changing solar irradiance, they also note that
there might be other mechanisms through which the Sun can couple to the Earth's
climate [IPCC, 2007, Chapter 1]. In this paper we utilize meteorological
analyses to investigate the possible influence of variations in geomagnetic
activity on SATs in both hemispheres.
not surprisingly then, the UK Met Office are 'raising the roof' of the Unified
Model (UM) from 85 km to 100-140 km. At this increased altitude the impacts of
space weather on atmospheric chemistry become more significant. A significant component of space weather
which has recently been found to influence earth weather and climate is
energetic particle precipitation (EEP).
electron precipitation (EEP) from the Earth’s outer radiation belt continuously
affects the chemical composition of the polar mesosphere. EEP can contribute to
catalytic ozone loss in the mesosphere through ionization and enhanced
production of odd hydrogen. However, the long-term mesospheric ozone
variability caused by EEP has not been quantified or confirmed to date.
et al (2009) predicted that EPP feedback would be complex, since strong
vortices lead to large EPP effects due to NOx sequestration [Randall et al.,
2007], but stratospheric warmings can also be followed by large EPP effects due
to enhanced mesospheric descent [Siskind et al., 2007].
have shown using observations from three
different satellite instruments, that EEP events strongly affect ozone at 60–80 km,
leading to extremely large (up to 90%) short-term ozone depletion. This impact
is comparable to that of large, but much less frequent, solar proton events. On
solar cycle timescales, they found that EEP causes ozone variations of up to
34% at 70–80 km. With such a magnitude, it is reasonable to suspect that
EEP could be a very important part of
solar influence on the atmosphere and climate system.
they evaluated the influence of the galactic cosmic rays (GCR), solar proton
events (SPE), and energetic electron precipitation (EEP) on chemical
composition of the atmosphere, dynamics, and climate using the
chemistry-climate model SOCOL. They have
carried out two 46-year long runs. The reference run wass driven by a widely
employed forcing set and, for the experiment run, and included additional
sources of NOx and HOx caused by all considered energetic particles. Their
results show that the effects of the GCR, SPE, and EEP fluxes on the chemical
composition are most pronounced in the polar mesosphere and upper stratosphere;
however, they are also detectable and statistically significant in the lower
atmosphere consisting of an ozone increase up to 3 % in the troposphere and
ozone depletion up to 8 % in the middle stratosphere.
upshot is that thermal effect of the
ozone depletion in the stratosphere propagates down, leading to a warming by up
to 1 K averaged over 46 years over Europe during the winter season. Thus
confirming EEP is able to affect atmospheric chemical composition, dynamics,
and climate.
Natural EEP is
associated with the Van Allen Belts (ref)
and with pulsating aurorae (ref).
effects on the space environment started in the late 19th century and reached their
peak in the 1960s when high-altitude nuclear explosions were carried out by the
USA and the Soviet Union. These explosions created artificial radiation belts
near Earth that resulted in major damages to several satellites. Another,
unexpected impact of the high-altitude nuclear tests was the electromagnetic
pulse (EMP) that can have devastating effects over a large geographic area (as
large as the continental United States). Other anthropogenic impacts on the
space environment include chemical release experiments, high-frequency wave
heating of the ionosphere and the interaction of VLF waves with the radiation
belts, see ….. et al (ref).
Allen Probes observations during the 17 March 2015 major geomagnetic storm
strongly suggest that VLF transmitter-induced waves play an important role in
sculpting the earthward extent of outer zone MeV electrons. A magnetically
confined bubble of very low frequency (VLF) wave emissions of terrestrial,
human-produced origin surrounds the Earth. The outer limit of the VLF bubble
closely matches the position of an apparent barrier to the inward extent of
multi-MeV radiation belt electrons near 2.8 Earth radii. When the VLF
transmitter signals extend beyond the eroded plasmapause, electron loss
processes set up near the outer extent of the VLF bubble create an earthward
limit to the region of local acceleration near L = 2.8 as MeV
electrons are scattered into the atmospheric loss cone.
Present hypothesis
has been shown by others and see above that VLF transmissions from earth
strongly influence the position of the
Van Allen Belts and hence the degree and influence of EEP on earth
present author has previously commented elsewhere regarding radiation into
space from the world’s electricity
power grids in relation to the acousto- magnetic phenomenon known as the Hum.
hypothesis is thus that power grids modulate
EEP and would thus be expected to contribute significantly to climate change.
Testing the Hypothesis
domain data has been used to explore the correlation between global temperature
since 1940 and global energy of the power grid.
For comparison a plot has also been made of global temperature versus
total energy usage expected to be proportional to CO2 emissions.
results are shown below.
total energy in the grid ( plot on left)
we have P Value Results
r=.98 DF=6
The two-tailed P value is less than 0.0001
By conventional criteria, this difference is
considered to be extremely statistically significant.
total energy consumed (plot on
right) ( equivalent to CO2 emissions) we have P Value Results
r=.70 DF=6
The two-tailed P value equals 0.0532 By conventional criteria, this difference is
considered to be not quite statistically significant.
Conclusions and Discussion
can be clearly seen that the hypothesis is strongly supported. This is a truly remarkable result given that
in terms of fossil fuel burnt, electricity production only accounts for some
40-50% worldwide. Being unaware of the
above, it is easy to see how others would ascribe CO2 as the driver especially
as it gives a reasonable correlation.
This can be explained if one makes the assumption that some 65% of
electricity is generated by fossil fuel globally and that all uses of
fossil fuel including domestic, industrial and transport
have increased at approximately the same rate as global demand for electricity.
solar minimum of 2007–2010 was unusually deep and long lived. In the later
stages of this period the electron fluxes in the radiation belts dropped to
extremely low levels. The flux of relativistic electrons (>1 MeV) was
significantly diminished. This period
was at the centre of the recent and so called global warming hiatus and also
coincided with one of Britain’s coldest ever winters.
dynamics of the inner magnetosphere is strongly governed by the interactions
between different plasma populations that are coupled through large-scale
electric and magnetic fields, currents, and wave-particle interactions. The precipitating inner magnetospheric
particles influence the ionosphere and upper atmospheric chemistry and affect
Et al (ref) present observations of higher-frequency (~50–2500 Hz,
~0.1–0.7 fce) wave modes modulated at the frequency of colocated lower
frequency (0.5–2 Hz, on the order of fci) waves. These observations come
from the Van Allen Probes Electric Field and Waves instrument's burst mode data
and represent the first observations of coupling between waves in these
frequency ranges. The higher-frequency wave modes, typically whistler mode hiss
and chorus or magnetosonic waves, last for a few to a few tens of seconds but
are in some cases observed repeatedly over several hours. The higher-frequency
waves are observed to be unmodulated before and after the presence of the
electromagnetic ion cyclotron (EMIC) waves, but when the EMIC waves are
present, the amplitude of the higher-frequency waves drops to the instrument
noise level once every EMIC wave cycle. Such modulation could significantly
impact wave-particle interactions such as acceleration and pitch angle
scattering, which are crucial in the formation and depletion of the radiation
is a low orbiting satellite (660 km) which was operating for more than six
years to study ionospheric perturbations in relation with seismic and
anthropogenic activities. For this purpose, it recorded wave and plasma
parameters all around the Earth (except in the auroral zones) at two different
local times (10.30 and 22.30 LT). This paper will present an overview of the
electromagnetic waves observed during sustained magnetic activity, and then
enhanced by a wave-particle interaction. Many different waves have been
observed. It includes: - strange MLR (Magnetospheric Line Radiation) which have
frequency lines close to the PLHR (Power Line Harmonic Radiation) at the
harmonics of 50 (60) Hz but which are drifting in frequency, - waves such as
hiss, chorus, QP (Quasi Periodic) emissions, triggered emissions, EMIC
(ElectroMagnetic Ion Cyclotron) waves in the equatorial region, - emissions at
the lower hybrid frequency, and - specific waves recorded during very intense
magnetic activities or in particular regions (SAA, sub-auroral zones), see
Parrot (2011).
et al (2014) have discussed in detail the propagation of PLHR in the ionosphere.
et al ( 1977) made a study of electrons
in the drift and bounce loss cones of the magnetospheric slot region. They observed that discrete events account for the
arrival of most electrons in the 100-400 keV range into the drift loss cone.
Most such events originate from a high power level VLF transmitter.
Calculations of the loss rate caused by the events indicate that the electron
flux in the slot region may decrease by as much as 50% per day. It is likely
that wave-particle interaction occurs low on the field line due to the
particular particle energies and wave frequencies. In order to transport
particles to the lower interaction region, additional near-equator scattering,
via power-line harmonic emissions or ELF hiss, may be required.
stresses the overall importance of earth power systems in the EEP process.
Volland also discusses the process in his book Atmospheric Electrodynamics
(1984). Rothkaehlet al (2004)
recognises power lines as ‘one of the most important sources of ‘Ionospheric disturbances
generated by different natural processes and by human activity in Earth
et al. [1977] showed that chorus emissions tend to occur more frequently along
longitudes that contain industrial centers which are located at high latitudes.
They suggested that PLHR can stimulate chorus emissions through cyclotron
resonance with trapped energetic electrons.
et al (2014) conclude, parasitic EM radiation from the power supply lines, when
entering the ionosphere-magnetosphere system, might have an impact on the
electron population in the radiation belt. Its interaction with trapped
particles will change their energy and pitch angles; as a result particle precipitations, might occur. Observations of
EM emission by multiple low orbiting satellites have confirmed a significant
increase in their intensity over the populated areas of Europe and Asia.
Recently, there are many experimental evidences of the existence of power line
harmonic radiation (PLHR) in the ionosphere. Their spectra consist of
succession of 50 (60) Hz harmonics which is accompanied by a set of lines
separated by 50 (60) or 100 (120) Hz - the central frequency of which is
shifted to high frequency. These lines cover rather wide band - according to
the available experimental data, their central frequencies are observed from
~1.5 - 3 kHz up to 15 kHz, and recently the main mains frequencies are also
present author is not the only one to consider a link btween electron
precipitation and climate change. The matter
has been muted on by Tsurutani et al 2016 who considered heliospheric plasma sheet (HPS) impingement
onto the magnetosphere as a cause of relativistic electron dropouts (REDs) via
coherent EMIC wave scattering with possible consequences for climate change
Seinfield and Pandis discuss atmospheric chemistry
aspects of NOx and ozone. NOx is increased by electron precipitation. Direct
effects of particles to both ionisation rates and chemical changes are now
better understood for EPP.
et al (2014) in discussing ‘What is the
solar influence on climate? Overview of activities during CAWSES-II’ conclude
that EEP causes ‘Strong indirect effects were observed in the stratosphere with
further potential impacts on the troposphere. More studies are required to
understand the EPP indirect effects on the tropospheric and surface climate.’
conclude by suggesting that the results presented in this present study, which
will doubtless be controversially received and criticised by some, goes a long
way to enlightening the world of climate science on those very impacts. In support of my findings (low R value for
total energy consumed which is tantamount to CO2 emitted), Avakyan
(2013) concludes the contribution of the greenhouse effect of carbon-containing
gases to global warming turns out to be insignificant.
Proposed solution to XS
warming in general
the above results, climate warming would appear to be very highly correlated
with the total energy in the world’s power grids. The more interlinked the grids, I would
expect there them to radiate more efficiently into space and hence produce more
EEP and more warming.
and following the same hypothesis, so
called low carbon solutions and sustainable
energy such as solar or wind power will not stop global warming while
ever it is on grid.
the proposed solutions are:
1. Remove
all grid interconnections to reduce energy radiated into space.
2. Put
as many properties as possible self –sufficient in energy but ‘off-grid’
3. Theoretically
a pure DC power system with DC interconnectors would not radiate into
space. However, since AC/DC converters
using solid state switching generate horrendous harmonic levels such radiation
seems inevitable.
Possible undergrounding of HV power
may help but electromagnetically screened enclosures would still be required
which would be horrendously expensive.